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Extensions Every Chrome User Should Have

I find more often than not that those who have the chrome (chromium or google chrome) browser have no idea how to even use extensions, much less see what they can do. This is upsetting because i cant stand when people want it to ‘just work’ and are content when its not.

Anyways, I have compiled a list of extensions that every chrome user needs, or should definitely have.

First off, is Chrome Ad Block. Ever been to a site that has great content, but has so many ads that it kills whatever is there? This nifty extension removes those ads, and makes it look the ad was never supposed to be there anyways. This extension, out of all the other extensions is my favorite. It doesnt download the ads, then remove them from the page, it removes them from the page and then downloads the page. for you non-techie people it means faster load times, and better all-around performance upgrade. If you get nothing else, this one is the one to get.

Next, is Vanilla Cookie Manager. I love this one because i love to hate tracking cookies. You know, the things that are used to let others see your browsing history. It works by deleting cookies off ALL the sites you haven’t allowed. This way, you don’t have cookies that are from unknown sites. If you set it to delete unwanted cookies every thirty minutes, and have the chrome ad blocker i mentioned, it keeps the super cookies in check too.

That’s it! With these extensions, you can be assured that you wont be tracked by anyone, and your browser will be all-around faster.

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Fedora 16 Rant

I love Linux, and I love fedora and Ubuntu. they are my favorite distros. Lately, however, they haven’t been doing as good as they can. In a previous post i talked about Ubuntu 11.10 and unity. Unity didn’t turn out as well as it could, but after some research, i found i was able to simply impermanently hide the side bar and use docky instead.

This time, my rant is not about fedora itself, but my computer and its limitations along with Fedora’s hardware needs. The default gnome3 fedora spin is not able to install on my computer, and its because i need 256MB more RAM. Normally, linux is supposed to be less resource intensive, but this is not the case with F16. It takes 756MB ram to install the fedora 16 gnome spin, and I only have 512MB. However, I was able to look at the desktop on the livecd, and see, how promising it looks, for computers that could handle it. Maybe when I get more RAM, it will get better.

In any case, I hope everyone who can run fedora 16 enjoys it.  Have fun with Linux!

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