Month: December 2011

Installing / Running The Linux Autotyper

It was recently brought to my attention that I do not have clear instructions for installing the linux autotyper. Well, this post fixes that. So without further adieu, the instructions.


1: First, you need gambas2 installed. I may have a script fixing this later, but not right now. To install gambas2:

1a: Open the terminal by pressing “ctrl” and “Shift” and “t” on your keyboard at the same time.

2: Enter this code in the terminal (command prompt for you new-to-linux people)
sudo apt-get install gambas2

You may or may not have to press ‘y’ to confirm that you want to have gambas2 on your system.

3: Download the latest version of the linux autotyper by clicking this link:
Download here.

4: Extract the downloaded zip file to your desktop.
5: Browse to the extracted folder on your desktop, and open it.
6: Open the folder called “Executable”

7: there are two files, DaGeek247s_Autotyper,gambas, and readme.txt.
Make DaGeek247s_Autotyper.gambas executable.

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WordPress Update

Today, I decided to update to the newest WordPress installation. Thank goodness for backups.

Basically, I clicked “Update Now”, and it didn’t work. I had to download the new installation of WordPress, and restore all my changed settings, and do the backup. That’s why my site was down for the most part of an afternoon.

I also was notified about my not having proper instructions on setting up my Linux autotyper. Oops! I will have that fixed fairly soon. Until then, go backup your site! 🙂

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