Month: October 2011

Ubuntu Templates

Ubuntu templates, the one thing they always forget to add in the release. Sure you can add your own, but that’s always a pain to do yourself. But first, an explanation for the newer ubuntu users.

Whenever you right click on a folder or the desktop in ubuntu, you are given the option to to create a file. If its a new install, it will almost certainly tell you how it doesn’t have any templates installed. The simple fix is to go to the ~/randomuser335/Templates folder and make some files, and most of us do.

However, doing that with every new release is a pain, so i spent about thirty minutes setting up a whole bunch of files and adding them to a file to share with everyone else. Now, you just need to come here and get my file, and copy its contents to your own templates folder.

Last thing, and i’ll give you the templates link. Every folder in the templates folder is a new sub-menu in the ‘create file’ menu. every file you put in the templates folder is just copied when you use the create new file menu. So here is an exemple of the sub-menus;
Finally, here is the link to my templates. Just extract the files to the ~/username/Templates/ folder and you can use them instantly. //

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Ubuntu 11.10 IS OUT!!!

And I had, to my absolute delight, the chance to install it on an asus netbook, and try it out. I also had, to my tentative enjoyment, to test it out on my desktop.

Let me explain, the new ubuntu 11.10 now uses unity as its default interface. why is that bad and good? It was originally made for netbooks, and as such it looked great on the netbook. But, its new sidebar was terrible on the desktop. Worse, the sidebar can’t be moved according to this, and my messing around with it failed to change that. Other than that, the new default unity interface is great, and ubuntu 11.10 is great also.

When i installed it on the netbook and looked around, i was thrilled everywhere i went. The new interface, (i always used the main ubuntu for the netbook, even though there is a netbook version) has me feeling right at home. If you have a 16:3 desktop screen, 11.10 will only make you happy. If you have a 4:3 desktop screen (like me) Unity will annoy, but it won’t hurt you, and its always fun to mess with a new OS.

So, I recommend everyone to go check it out. (Try to use the torrent if you can to alleviate some of the load on the servers)

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Restoring gnome panels to their defaults

Quite frankly, this happens to many times to ignore. You are messing around with ubuntu and oops! you deleted, or misplaced something on the panels. Maybe you booted up your computer and something on the panels somehow is ruined, through no fault of your own. this often happens to me, so it seemed necessary to put it here, even though there are plenty of other sites saying the same thing. Here is a probable messed up panel screenshot:

First, you need to open the terminal. The easiest way to do this, is to go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal, but not everyone has the luxury of working panels. You can also open the terminal by pressing ALT+F2 and then typing ‘gnome-terminal’  in the resulting dialog box. This is what it looks like:

next, you need to type a few commands into the terminal. First, copy/paste this in:

gconftool – -recursive-unset /apps/panel

the above command prepares the computer for the next commands and allows you to delete the settings files.. now type in the below command:

rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel

The above command deletes all the settings for the gnome panels and allows them to be automatically reset by the system to their defaults.. finally, copy/paste this in:

pkill gnome-panel

The previous command stops the system app running the gnome panels, allows the system to restore the settings to their defaults, and starts the panel back up. if you did not delete the settings with the rm -rf command, this would have just restarted the gnome panels. And for those of us who don’t care and just want their panels reset quickly, you can copy/paste the below command into the terminal, and it will have the same effect.

gconftool – -recursive-unset /apps/panel; rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel; pkill gnome-panel

That’s it! the gnome panels had all their settings reset to factory default, and you can now look at your proper panels and use them like they are supposed to be, here is even a screenshot of mine after they were fixed: